Bionic Fitness

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The Quest for Freedom: Taking control of our daily choices to achieve a life of freedom.

We work hard so we can have more control over our money and more control over our free time. 

The problem is most of us don’t take control over the one thing that we have 100% control over and that is our

bodies.  We have 100% control over what we put in our mouths and 100% control on how we take advantage of this temporary vehicle we call our bodies. 

Looking after your body is like building a savings account. Spending time and effort on ourselves today saves us time in the future. 

Time that if not spent correctly today would be spent on illness, rehabilitation, doctor visits, waiting in-line for

medications and being debilitated from injury later.

One of the differences between an animal and a human is that we understand compounding. We as humans

understand that if we lay a few bricks today and a few bricks tomorrow one day we will have a house that could keep us safe from predators. 

Many of us seem to do this concept well in our professional lives. We work hard for the next promotion; we add extra money to our super or savings account for the future but only a few of us really do this for our health and fitness. 

We live in a world of quick fixes and instant gratification. We get upset when we eat one healthy meal and do one workout and don’t see a six pack the next morning. We see a cake in front of us and have to eat it as if we will never eat another piece of cake again. So, the question is how can we have more freedom through self-control?

1. Do more things that will positively impact your future. Ask yourself does this meal or activity serve me in

the future or is it just momentary mouth pleasure.

2. To become strong and fit you have to accept some level of suffering and discomfort. No results or progress come from being comfortable.

3. Take real care of yourself. Respect your sleep, move regularly through the day, eat foods that your body

would thank you for. Taking control of your physical and mental health is crucial for feeling in control of your life.